About Me

I am a Professional Writing student hoping to become a full time writer once I graduate from the University of Oklahoma.  I will be graduating in December of 2011.  I'm originally from a small town in Maine, and I plan on returning to New England after I graduate.  I'm often asked how I ended up attending college 2,000 miles away from home, but the truth is, I have no idea.  It just happened.

I began writing for fun in middle school.  I never seriously considered writing as a career until the end of my sophomore year of college.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to study; I had already changed my major three times, I still wasn't satisfied, and soon I would be a junior.  I had always enjoyed writing, but never thought about trying to publish my works.  Somehow I found out about the Professional Writing program, enrolled, and have been enjoying my classes ever since.  I have been published on Blogcritics.com, and will soon have a fantasy story published in the OU Professional Writing Student Association Anthology.

I will write any genre, but my favorites to write are crime, horror, fantasy, and western.  I like to read a wide variety of material, from "the classics" to comic books.  Some of my favorite authors include Albert Camus, Ernest Hemingway, Richard Stark, Elmore Leonard, Stephen King, Bram Stoker, Thomas Pynchon, and Hunter S Thompson.

I also love music, and have been playing the guitar since middle school.  I also play banjo and mandolin, though not nearly as well as guitar.  My favorite genres are heavy metal, punk rock, folk, blues, and jazz, though I listen to many artists whose work falls outside those areas.